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Have you considered these factors when a paper machine wants to make good paper? -Jinling Machinery

Release Time:2019-07-01   Browse:2890

  The ratio of cell wall thickness to wall cavity and its influence on pulping and papermaking

  The tearing degree of paper depends on the fiber length and fiber wall thickness. The fiber with fiber wall thickness can only form high bulk and rough surface paper under the current conditions of paper thick beating. It is difficult to improve the paper's burst resistance and tensile strength. Quality indicators such as strength and folding resistance.

  The thickness of the fiber cell wall determines the flexibility of the fiber, and the flexibility of the fiber can be expressed by the following definition:

  Rigidity coefficient=2×cell wall thickness×100/fiber diameter

  Runkel ratio (Runkel ratio)=2×cell wall thickness/cell cavity diameter

  Coefficient of flexibility=cell cavity diameter×100/fiber diameter

  Use these definitions to evaluate the quality of fiber raw materials.

  Runkel’s research has proposed the following relationship: when 2W/L<1, it is a good raw material; when 2W/L=1, it is a good raw material; when 2W/L>1, it is a poor raw material.

  W-average cell wall thickness

  L-average cell cavity diameter

  According to the flexibility coefficient, papermaking materials can be roughly divided into four grades:

  Ⅰ grade material: flexibility coefficient> 75;

  Ⅱ grade material: flexibility coefficient=50~75;

  Ⅲ grade material: flexibility coefficient=30~50;

  Grade IV material: flexibility coefficient <30.

  The one with a large flexibility coefficient, the wood density is small, the fiber wall is thin, the cell cavity is large, it is easy to be crushed, and it produces good inter-fiber bonding force, and the paper made into paper has high physical strength.

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