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The most common paper machine product with functions-Jinling Paper Equipment

Release Time:2013-11-12   Browse:1339

  There are a wide variety of paper machines, including rotary screens, fourdrinier wires, clamps, and even fourdrinier wire combined paper machines, as well as the more popular environmentally friendly paper machines. These are all paper machines. In terms of function, what are the more common papermaking equipment products?

  In terms of function, there are more than a dozen categories of newsprint machines, cultural paper machines, capacitor paper machines, thin paper machines, cardboard machines and conventional paper machines. Friends in the industry also choose directly according to the type of papermaking needs when buying. equipment.

  Above we said that there are various types of paper machines, and the classification of paper machines is also the classification of paper machines. The common forming form is round, the professional name is cylinder paper machine, and the others are fourdrinier, clamped, and long-circle combined type.

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