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Some analysis reports of superior companies in my country's paper industry

Release Time:2013-11-12   Browse:1116

  my country is one of the countries with great potential for the development of the paper industry. It is only due to the lack of better papermaking equipment in my country's papermaking enterprises and the inability of my country's papermaking machinery plants to meet the needs of some domestic papermaking enterprises. Therefore, there are not many listed companies in my country's paper industry. According to statistics, there are 19 listed companies in my country's paper industry, and some of these companies are in a difficult stage of survival.

  Judging from the performance of listed paper companies, stock prices in the entire industry are generally low. Except for Huatai Stock and Chenming Paper, which have maintained good performance, most of the other industry stocks have performed poorly, even if it seems that earnings per share exceed 0.70. The current share prices of Huatai and Chenming Paper are only hovering around 11 yuan. Failing to seize the favorable opportunity for the market to quickly update equipment and expand the scale, and lack of sufficient product competitiveness are the main reasons for its decline in performance.

  Generally speaking, this situation further shows that the paper industry still has a certain investment value.

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