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The overall development trend of the paper machinery industry is good

Release Time:2013-11-12   Browse:1373

  Paper Machinery

  The paper machinery industry made a big breakthrough in the boring market in recent years. From January to November, sales revenue increased by 15.2% year-on-year, profit increased by 72.2%, and the total output of paper machinery was 1,979,700, an increase of 11.9% year-on-year.

  It is predicted that the papermaking machinery industry will maintain a good momentum in 2001. In addition to the great development of highways and other infrastructure, which brings good business opportunities to heavy-duty trucks, large passenger cars and light-duty papermaking machinery, we hope to focus on the development of cars.

  In 2001, the domestic car market will show a continuous growth trend, and it is expected that the growth rate will rise, and the contribution to the overall development of the paper machinery industry will rebound. There are four main reasons:

  First, the Party Central Committee’s recommendations on the Tenth Five-Year Plan for the first time put forward the policy of encouraging family car consumption and implementing the state’s policy of stimulating domestic demand. Various measures to promote car market demand are in place, which can further activate the demand for the paper machinery market;

  Second, a batch of advanced family cars that meet the needs of diversified, multi-level, and individualized users, the launch of new products and the launch of a batch of old products and new styles have begun the car competition, which will also bring new growth space;

  The third is that the country continues to implement a proactive fiscal policy, and the macro economy rebounds;

  Fourth, after China and the United States signed a bilateral agreement on China's accession to the WTO in November 1999, it has become a reality for users to expect a substantial reduction in import tariffs and purchase imported cars in the past year.

  Paper machine tools

  In 2015, the production and operation of the paper machinery industry showed an unexpectedly good momentum of development. From January to November, product sales revenue increased by 27.86% year-on-year, total profits increased by more than 47 times, and losses of loss-making enterprises decreased by 27.71%. From January to November, the output of paper machinery was 159,400 units, a year-on-year increase of 35.7%, especially for CNC paper machinery. The output reached 12,580 units, a record high, an increase of 41% year-on-year.

  China's paper machinery market is greatly affected by the fixed asset investment of the whole society. In 2001, the country will continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy. The growth rate of fixed asset investment in the whole society is expected to reach a new high; accession to WTO, western development and industrialization And the advancement of urbanization contains huge business opportunities for papermaking machinery and tools. The manufacturing industry will enter an era dominated by technological transformation. The high-tech industry will enter an era of rapid development. The papermaking machinery war is over, and the IT industry is about to appear again, and the momentum is swift, and the construction of aerospace industry, national defense and military industry, etc., CNC papermaking machinery has become the mainstream of papermaking machinery market demand. On the basis of the major technological breakthroughs made by domestic CNC papermaking machinery in recent years, the domestic market share has increased substantially, from less than 30% in the previous years to 50% annually, and is expected to increase further in 2001. It is predicted that the paper machine tool industry in 2001 is expected to usher in a better year, with great progress in both quality and quantity. On the basis of new highs in the output and output value of CNC paper machinery, the paper machine tool industry is likely to grow. 10% or more.

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