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Calculation formula of papermaking machinery-Jinling papermaking equipment

Release Time:2013-11-12   Browse:1531

  1. Production capacity of papermaking machinery

  Refers to the calculated output of the paper machine.

  Q=V?B?q?K1?K2 (g/min)

  =V?B?q?K1?K2?K3×60 (T/D)

  =0.06V?B?q?K1?K2?K3/1000 (T/D)

  Where: V-vehicle speed (m/min)

  B-cutting width (m)

  q-Quantity (g/m?)

  K1-Copymaking rate (%)

  K2-Yield rate (%)

  K3-working hours (h/D)

  2. Pulp speed and network speed

  Pulp speed of papermaking machinery-refers to the speed at which the paper material leaves the weir (lip) of the headbox and sprays onto the copper mesh, which is determined by the height (or pressure) of the pulp level in the headbox and the structure of the weir (lip).

  Vj=60μ√2gH where: Vj-pulp speed. m/min

  μ-weir coefficient

  H-high slurry level (or pressure + slurry level),

  Papermaking machinery net speed-refers to the running speed of the copper net. Depending on the nature of the paper, the network speed is generally lower than the vehicle speed.

  Network speed = pulp speed

  Vw = Kw?Vj where: Vw-network speed

  Vj-vehicle speed

  Kw-The lag coefficient of network speed to vehicle speed

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